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Removal of steel rolling mill in Dortmund

Removal of steel rolling mill in Dortmund

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Dortmund, Germany Demolition

Removal of steel rolling mill in Dortmund

Numerous sheet piles have been rolled from thick sheets of steel in this Dortmund steel rolling mill. But the city limits of Dortmund became too close and the rolling mill had to close. DDM was ordered to empty everything.

The rolling mill consisted of a huge area with industrial buildings. Inside there was all kinds of equipment, such as an oven and various rollers, with which sheets of steel are first made red-hot and then rolled into the right shape, like a pizza from a lump of dough. The customer chose to sell all equipment indoors and outdoors. The buildings themselves had to remain intact so that they could ultimately be sold together with the land to a project developer.

DDM, together with a number of other companies, made a bid for the equipment. The trick was to make an accurate estimate of the total weight, but also of what could still be sold as usable. Ultimately, it turned out to be about 40,000 tons of steel and equipment, of which 10,000 tons could be sold as reusable. In accordance with DDM's assessment, by the way.

DDM worked on this project for 18 months, with an average of thirty professionals, five demolition excavators with hydraulic shears, two heavy forklifts and much smaller equipment. Both the client and the authorities involved were extremely satisfied with the progress of the project and with the results. What made the project extra special is that the surrounding area did not notice the work at all during that time.


  • 20 specialists
  • Different taps
  • Hydraulic cranes 200-500T
  • Many means of transport
40.000 tons of metals
9.999 tons of reusable material
40.000 tons of metals
9.999 tons of reusable material


The Quality and Health, Safety and the Environment policy is an ongoing process. That is why DDM is continuously working on improving all these areas to keep improving safety levels.

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DDM was rewarded with a World Demolition Award in the Civils category.

Removing 5 arch bridges over the Amsterdam Rhine Canal was an intensive job. The schedule was tight and the expectations of all employees were high. But with a joint effort and incredible passion, DDM has successfully removed and recycled the 5 bridges within schedule.


Every year DDM holds a number of safety days to boost safety awareness.

Last year's objectives are evaluated and new objectives are determined. All managers and all operational employees discuss safety, policy and vision together. In addition to all regular training courses, DDM offers workshops and training to all employees during these days to take the qualities of the professionals to an even higher level. Together with all DDM employees, we are working on an increasingly higher safety ethic. Everyone at DDM carries out their work in a safe and healthy manner, with sufficient attention to the environment. And they're getting better at it. This applies to everyone; back to work healthy and safe and back home healthy.


Dow has awarded DDM a certificate for Outstanding Safety Performance.

Following various demolition and disassembly projects that DDM carries out worldwide for Dow Chemical Company, DDM has received recognition for its excellent safety performance during implementation. DDM always continues to strive for a higher level of safety. Safety First! Read below a quote from the letter that DDM received from Dow. “In summary, DDM continues to deliver excellent performance in safely planning and executing all work related to Dow demolition projects. We truly believe that your company's exceptional efforts continue to be a reflection of the leadership and support of you and the entire DDM Management team. "

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