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DDM obtains the CO2 performance ladder level 3 certificate!

Duurzaamheid is a relevant issue within DDM. Op de projecten het de full dedicat: a dedicatee for medewerkers, for the manufacture of long-lasting materials, for efficient energy consumption, for the manufacture of equipment and material in the slotte for a high low recycling percentage.

The CO2-prestatieladder is an instrument for the control of CO2-reduction within the organization. The CO2 prestatieladder certificate of DDM is available on the website and on the page ‘Safety first’ and ‘Duurzaamheid’.

Level 3 is recorded in the DDM via an official CO2 emission inventory which follows the ISO14064-1 standard is opgesteld en door an onafhankelijke setting is verified. DDM supplies high-quality equipment for its own CO2 equipment. The DDM structure communicates internally and externally via hair CO2- voetafdruk and no actie deel aan the CO2- Brancheinitiatief van de VERAS.

One of the components of DDM is the main energy source of DDM in the sea by 2026. The hele building serves herebij zelf de building bonded energy op te wekken. Here in 2018 the first stages were made by the Gele werkplaats and the magazine with rusty panels.

This is the ambition of DDM and now it is worth investing in long-lasting materials and resources. Recentelijk is still invested in long-term material. Namelijk in a wire crane and sloopgraafmachine with a stage-V motor and stationary stop function. The next day we want to do a DDM door trek.